Craig's Pond has always been a cool place to hang out. While members of the fairer sex may tend to disagree at times when some of life's common conveniences aren't readily available, it is a great place to camp, fish, barbecue, sit by the fire. have a few beers, and just simply have a good time. Originally stocked with everything from monster catfish to striper bass it has evolved over the years to more of a largemouth and panfish pond with the occasional channel cat roaming around along with a few other species. This place will always have special meaning to me. I will always think of the pond with fondness as it is a place that holds many childhood memories for me. From the time we were

kids Craig and I

would often fish the pond,
trekking back and forth between there and his parent's house. It's probably less than a mile on a graveled road with a very moderate grade to it, but kids that we were we felt more like serious outdoorsmen that were able to weather anything that nature threw at us, that was until we got bored or it was dinner time in which case it was back to the house. As kids it was a place of dock fishing for bluegills, making smores, camping out, and telling ghost stories by the campfire. Many of those elements are still there, but as we've grown so have many of our tastes. A steady supply of chips, soda, and the occasional hot dog that made up our camping rations as children has turned into all out barbecues with steaks, burgers, shrimp,

and chicken amongst other things. We've gone from root beer to real beer, and dock fishing for bluegills by hand has given way to putting a properly placed dry fly right above their noses or breaking out the heavy equipment and chasing largemouth and catfish. We've also made some really good friends as we've grown, like John and Austin, that are practically family now who have also fished and camped at the pond. Though we've gotten older and some things have changed the feeling remains the same. It's a neat place to go where I feel like a kid and an adult at the same time.