This was my first trip to the Bluestone River to fish for Trout. I had fished the river before for bass, but much to my surprise WVU is in the midst of doing a study on the survivability of trout in the Bluestone. This was a bittersweet day for me, while th

e prospect of catching large trout out of the Bluestone is euphoric I was easily grounded by the fact that my granddad passed away a few days earlier and this was
the day of his wake. Because of this I almost didn't go, but I thought differently about it soon after as there was nothing to do between the early morning and the wake, which as in the evening, except sit around depressed at home. This trip pro

vided a nice distraction, albeit a temporary one. The hike in was brutal. With the tram being offline until late April early May one is forced to hike the 2-3 mile River Ridge trail which can change elevation rapidly. Add in all the gear carried in and it makes for a rough hike. I ran into Austin, Dusty, and Joe Yancy who had got there before me. Conditions were good and I ended up catching 4 nice rainbows. They had a salmon kin

d of look to them with their dark colors and large hooked jaws. All together the group caught 23 trout with Dusty and Austin catching 7 apiece and Joe landing 5 of his own. Spirits quickly sank though, at the notion of what the hike out was going to be like. Oh well, no guts no glory. I look forward to returning in the near future.