I don't know if I'll ever have a day, with trout at least, that will ever replicate the one Austin and I had on this day. The Bluestone had been heavily stocked a few weeks prior to this day. We gave it a try a few weeks back, but the water was high and rising fast. That coupled with the fact that the river was littered with leaves made it next to impossible to get to many of the fish

holding in deeper water.

This day, however, conditions were next to perfect. The water was at normal levels and had a slight tint to it. That combined with the fact that it was overcast made

sneaking up on fish easier. The leaves had been flushed away as well, which made life a lot easier. I really don't think that you could go wrong with lure selection this day as the fish were ravenous. I believe they would have hit a bare hook given the opportunity. We used in-line spinners to smashing success. Austin ended up catching 53 and I caught 50. Most of this is due to the over stocking of this small stretch of river that undoubtedly will not be sustainable, but hey strike while the iron's hot. We caught several hold over fish from last year which is encouraging, but the highlight to my day was a 24 inch 5 pound rainbow that I caught. I finally have a trophy fish to put on the wall and a day I'll forget.