Given that the number of fish (or lack therof) Austin and I caught the last time we fished the Bluestone we wanted to take another shot at it while we both still had some time off of work. This time the water was a little more manageable. It was about a foot lower than what it was on our previous trip and had less stain. Spinners and jigs were the weapons of choice. Austin had particular success with a neon pink jig he calls "Pink Sexy." Pink Sexy is one of those ace in the hole lures that Austin breaks out from time to time, usually with great success. I ended up catching nine fish that day and Austin caught ten. A couple of milestones were met on this trip. With the fish Austin caught this day he ended the year catching 1,111 fish in 2011. I, on the other had, caught another 4lb rainbow giving me back to back citation fish on back to back trips. The only downer was that I broke the tip of my fishing rod. It was only the top eyelet so I was able to keep fishing and St. Croix has a great replacement policy so I really was no worse for wear. All and all, a great way to end the year.