The unseasonably warm winter has continued its trend and spring fever is in full swing. With an urge to try something different Austin and I decided to fish Moncove Lake. This was a day of firsts for me. It was the first time I had ever fished Moncove, it was the first time I had taken my new boat trailer out (which is like a Cadillac compared to my old undersized one) and I caught my first perch. The day didn’t start out so great. With unseasonably warm temperatures comes warm air masses which create nasty thunderstorms when they collide with cooler air masses. It seems like the rain and lightening waited until right when we pulled into the parking lot before it decided to start. Rain is one thing but lightening is potentially lethal. We waited in the truck until it seemed to pass. Upon launching the boat however, the thunderstorm returned so we got off the water and waited some more. After about 3 or 4 of these false starts we finally got to fish. Austin caught a few bass right off the bat, but then things slowed down after that. I caught a big bluegill up shallow and missed another before we decided to head to deeper waters in the middle of the lake to try and pick up a few fish with nightcrawlers on a drop shot rig. I didn’t catch my elusive walleye but I did manage to catch a perch, which was cool, and Austin managed to follow suite with one of his own. I can’t complain, especially this time of year, and I look forward to coming back later on when the water temperatures are warmer and the fish are more active.
March Claytor - March 14th, 2025
19 hours ago