Jamie Goins recently acquired a Jackson Coosa from John Cooper and has been floating with Austin and me lately. We decided to put in for our usually New River float to the first take out. The weather was nice and mild. A typical early fall day . The fishing was slow, as it has been a lot lately. The whole float yielded around 20 fish between us; however, the event that made the whole day was a monster musky Austin caught. It was right at 40 inches and around 17lbs. It's the biggest Musky I've seen in person. It was amazing that he landed it. Fishing for bass we were using 1/8th ounce jig heads baited with 3 inch G-Tails, 8 to 10 pound test line, and no steel leader. It jumped one big time and after tiring it out Austin was able to land it. Another awesome site came a little later as we observed bald eagle circle high above stalking its prey. Making several passes it descended and easily snatched a bass from the water in its talons. All and all it was a great day.